Apples and Honey
Save a Prayer
bewildered, and bereft , the participants of Baby Connie’s christening stumble
from the sanctuary in emotionally rendered tatters, each trying to wrap his or
her mind around the revelations. Olivia
realizes the true meaning of her visions, and hopefully also the meaning of “symbolism”
from here on out. Lulu and Dante are in
shock, of course, that the baby they have grown to love, whose arrival they
have excitedly anticipated for nine months, isn’t actually theirs at all, and it’s
more than likely that after the confusion lifts, white-hot rage won’t be far
behind. Maxie collapses, physically and
emotionally after relief of a burden she’s carried as long as the baby – but none
of this is over, least of all for her.
In fact, it’s just beginning.
This Woman’s Work
Mutter is
flummoxed. Little Britta has found her voice and her backbone and isn’t afraid
to throw both around the room when Mutter comes to visit liebchen Ben. For probably the first
time in her life, Britt has been cared for and given regard as a human being
without expectation; Nikolas Cassadine has treated her as a person, rather
than a pawn …and Britt realizes she might just deserve that. It gives her the
impetus to stand up to her mother – also something she’s probably done for the
first time ever—but her actions have consequences. When Nikolas returns home he finds an unconscious houseguest and a dire situation on his
hands. When he and Britt meet with Anna, she admits the trail has gone cold –
but Anna is not without leads.
Blood of Eden
Blood of Eden

When Carlos sends flowers to Sabrina at home and at work, she’s exasperated and fed up, confident in her future with Patrick. When she sees the snarky note delivered with the hospital bouquet, she takes off in a snit, bent on confronting Carlos. Patrick sees Sam, who is finally about to take Danny home, and when she thanks him for his support and advice about Silas, Patrick admits he had urged her to move on when he hadn’t actually, truly done the same…until now.
In the Air Tonight
It’s quite a
coincidence, Alexis muses to Derek/Julian/Samdaddy/Boxerman – that Sam’s father’s
name is the same as a name she’s hearing a lot of lately – that of Julian
Jerome. Duke shows Alexis a photo of Julian
from many years ago, but Alexis is honestly unsure if it’s the same man she met
all those years ago in New Hampshire. But
Alexis being Alexis…this isn’t going to fade away now that she’s thinking on
it. Is there a possible connection? And could Julian Jerome still be alive in
the world?
Also next week: Luke finds someone is working on a cure, but
only enough for one person—and it’s not him.
Morgan helps Ava move into her new place and insists he has nowhere else
to go, while Kiki still reels from recent discoveries. Michael convinces her to
stay with him, at least for now.
Save A Prayer: Duran Duran, Rio
This Woman's Work: Kate Bush, The Sensual World
Blood of Eden: Peter Gabriel, Us
In the Air Tonight: Phil Collins, Face Value
You can find information, lyrics, and artist
bios on the song titles in this preview at
General Hospital airs weekdays at 2PM EST/PST on ABC and is available on Hulu and SoapNet.
All General Hospital previews written and posted on this site are entirely from source material given to me by ABC PR.
All General Hospital previews written and posted on this site are entirely from source material given to me by ABC PR.
I do not source any material published on my site from
message boards or other sites. ABC PR is aware of my previews and content.
Thanks for reading. :)