Drunken Angels and Penitent Thieves
Grey Gardens
Her newly
minted husband is acting weird, and up to now Tracy Quartermaine has been steadfastly
oblivious – although it did seem that perhaps Kiki and Michael had been able to
find a chink in the otherwise impervious casing of denial. However, Tracy is made of stern stuff, and it
may also be that the part of her who simply yearns to be loved – to not have to
make ‘a meal out of crumbs’, as she once said – that feeds the space in her
heart and her mind which simply doesn’t want to see that something is very
wrong. Unaware of the agenda driven nature of his visit to Alexis, or the fact
that Luke is hellbent on having revenge on one particular soul in his
crosshairs, it takes a momentous and startling event to shake Tracy’s apathy
loose. When she comes upon Luke and Ned in a clearly loaded and evidently
hazardous situation, she is faced with choosing which of them to believe – her son,
or her husband. What she decides will
likely determine the course of her relationship with both men.

Ordinary People
Shawn is
still suspicious and incredibly rattled by Jordan’s unexpected and abrupt
presence in his and TJ’s lives, and he’s none too pleased at the way she’s
breezed right back into her son’s life, gifting him with cars and taking up
employment with his boss’ nemesis. Even though he’s not at all convinced Jordan
is on the straight and narrow from her previous career as a drug dealer, Shawn
thinks about discussing a possible situation with her which presents itself and
could be pivotal. Meanwhile, as the PCPD plots to take down their target in an surprise
operation, TJ learns the truth about his mother’s past—and which Shawn had been
so determined to keep from him. Dismayed and upset, he grapples with the new
information as Molly offers her shoulder and consolation. As TJ makes the decision to confront his
mother with what he’s learned, Jordan floors Anna with a surprise of her own.
The Royal Tenenbaums

Next Week: Morgan pushes at
Sonny for explanations, while Duke has some things to tell his partner in
crime. Maxie is served a notice to appear in court, and Nathan is bewildered at
her reaction. Flowers are delivered to a surprised Silas at the hospital, and
Lucy, still guilt-ridden after the events of the Ball, is excited when Kevin
says he has some news to share with her.
Grey Gardens: (1975) Directors - Ellen
Hoyde, Albert Maysles, David Maysles,
Muffie Meyer
(1995) Director /Writer – Paul Thomas Anderson
Ordinary People: (1980) Director –
Robert Redford, Writers – Judith Guest, Alvin Sargent, Nancy Dowd
The Royal Tenenbaums: (2001) Director –
Wes Anderson, Writers – Wes Anderson, Owen Wilson
General Hospital airs weekdays at 2PM EST/PST on ABC and is available on Hulu and ABC.com
All General Hospital previews written and posted on this site are entirely from source material given to me by ABC.
do not source any material published on my site from message boards or
other sites. ABC is aware of my previews and content. Thanks for reading. :)
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